Add InfuseAI Image

InfuseAI provides and maintains a serious of public images on DockerHub. This document shows how to add images provided by InfuseAI.

First of all we check and pick up a pari of images from Available Image List.

They are TensorFlow 2.1/CPU/Python3.7 and TensorFlow 2.1/GPU CUDA 10.1/Python3.7.

We can learn URLs respectively from the list.

  • TensorFlow 2.1/CPU/Python 3.7: infuseai/docker-stacks:tensorflow-notebook-tf-v2-3f48358e

  • TensorFlow 2.1/GPU CUDA10.1/Python 3.7: infuseai/docker-stacks:tensorflow-notebook-3f48358e-gpu-cuda-10


  1. Log in as a Group admin or as an Administrator.

  2. Enter Image Management from User Portal/Admin Portal respectively and click + Add.

  3. Fill in Name: such as tf-21.

  4. Fill in Description: such as TensorFlow 2.1 + Cuda10.1 + Python3.7.

    1. Select Type: Universal

      In terms of Universal, we can assign a CPU-only image and a GPU-supported image respectively. When spawning a Notebook, PrimeHub will pick up the corresponding image according to the specified instance type (CPU-only or GPU-required).

  5. Fill in Container image url: CPU-only infuseai/docker-stacks:tensorflow-notebook-tf-v2-3f48358e

  6. Check off Specific container image url for GPU and fill in GPU-supportedinfuseai/docker-stacks:tensorflow-notebook-3f48358e-gpu-cuda-10.

  7. Because InfuseAI's registry on DockerHub is public, there is no need of Use Image Pull Secret.

  8. Global or specify accessing Groups.


  1. Enter Notebook from User Portal.

  2. Select a group which can utilize the newly added image.

  3. Select an instance type which requires small CPU resource. (just for verification)

  4. Select the newly added Image tf-21.

  5. Start Notebook. It takes time to pull off the newly added image for the first time; As long as a Notebook is launched successfully, the image is pulled successfully.

Verify GPU Image (Please avoid affecting users ):

  1. Close/Stop previously launched Notebook.

  2. Enter Notebook from User Portal.

  3. Select a group which can utilize the newly added image.

  4. Select an instance type which requires small GPU resource. (just for verification)

  5. Select the newly added Image tf-21.

  6. Start Notebook. It takes time to pull off the newly added image for the first time; As long as a Notebook is launched successfully, the image is pulled successfully.

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