

  • Instance Types: The selection of instance types according to the current group context

  • Images: The selection of images according to the current group context

  • User Limits: The resources constraints are on the current user

  • Group Resources: The resources dashboard indicates current used resource and the limit according to the current group context

  • Volumes: Volumes are associated with the current group

  • Show advanced settings: Display the advanced settings of launching Notebook


  1. Log in User Portal with a user account, select Notebooks and click Start My Server to enter the spawner page.

  2. Confirm if the current group is what you desire; switch the group by the Group: dropdown at the top of the right side.

  3. Select an Instance Type for the resource allocation to this project. It lists instance types only within the context of the group.

  4. Select an Image which the project is based on. It lists images only within the context of the group.

    Accordingly, images are selectable only if Types of which match the selected Instance Type that guarantees hub is spawned with the proper image.

    **** Group/System Image

    From image selection, i hint indicates an image Group image or System image.

  5. Enabled Advanced Settings if required. Click Start Notebook. Your Server environment would be instantiated. Once the Notebook is spawned, it will pop up a new tab.

At very first time, browser will block the pop-up from PrimeHub by default, please allow the pop-up from PrimeHub. Click Launch Notebook Server to open Notebook in a new tab once the pop-up is allowed.


From Notebook tab, it shows the spawning progress.

Spawning can be cancelled by clicking Cancel.

Notebook Logs

Logs are retrieved from Jupyter Pod since Notebook spawning to Notebook end. The logs can be viewed from Logs tab and be downloaded as a file as long as Notebook is alive. Once Notebook is terminated, logs are gone with it. In this case, we can only check latest logs cached by UI.

Logs are shown when Notebook pod is being started or alive. If there is no running notebook, it shows Error: cannot get log due to pods "jupyter-xxxx" not found.


Click Shutdown Server. It takes a short while to stop it.


If switching the current working group after the Notebook is launched, it indicates the Notebook is retained in the other group.


Accessible Data Store from Notebook

Last updated