Job Artifacts

Allows users to store the job output and can be downloaded from the job UI.


The feature is only enabled if PrimeHub store and PHFS is enabled.

Create Artifacts

To put artifacts in a job, just create an artifacts folder (or said /home/jovyan/artifacts) and put files to be copied here. The steps are

  1. Create a job with the command

    mkdir -p /home/jovyan/artifacts/sub
    echo "hello" > /home/jovyan/artifacts/test.txt
    echo "hello" > /home/jovyan/artifacts/sub/test.txt
  2. Go to the detail page of the newly created job.

  3. Wait for the job completed

  4. Go to the Artifacts tab. You will see all the two artifacts we just created

We can also create a symbolic link artifacts to the actual folder where the files to copy out are located.

  1. Create a job with the command

    mkdir -p mymodel
    echo "model1" > mymodel/model1
    echo "model2" > mymodel/model2
    ln -s mymodel /home/jovyan/artifacts
  2. Go to the newly created job detail page.

  3. Wait for the job completed

  4. Go to the Artifacts tab. You will see all the two artifacts you just created


By default, the artifacts are kept only 7 days. The system will clean up the expired artifacts everyday.

Size and File Count Limit

By default, a job can have at most 100MB by size and 1000 artifacts. If a job exceeds the limit, no files would be copied.

Last updated